Monday, June 6, 2011

just for fun on a warm winter morning . . . 

ps. and they taste delicious in our salad wraps x


francis said...

I hope you are doing well . The new baby is almost here !
I just had my first grandchild may 24 A beautiful girl named Eva .
So I am all into baby's ...
Your blog is so wonderful and your son has a beautiful life .
I wish all goes well and follow you ! Best wishes from Holland

Emma said...

Mmmm, I love sprouts too! Where is his top from? Have been looking for marinieres for my pirates unsuccessfully. Big one has worn his Petit Bateau one to death and I can't find another for him anywhere. x

Sarah said...

hi emma,

a lovely friend picked it up for me in France as a gift last year ... he now finally fits it and i just love it.


Cat said...

Looks like lots of fun and sound yummy too. Your handsome little boy is growing up so much Sarah:) Have a wonderful Wednesday. xo

Bumpkin Hill said...

looks so fun, your little one is a cutie :) So nice to have come across you blog, Hugs, Catherine x

Emma said...

Of course it is from France, it is adorabale! My parents are in Italy at the moment and found some for me in a Petit Bateau store in Capri! Hurray!